What position of the reader resonates with your project? And what narrative structure? Visualise this for yourself building on your earlier mindmaps/indexes and other materials produced in the classes. It should clarify. 1. How does your reader navigate or engage with your text? 2. Is this different across the two media?
Inspiration Behind The Infographics
First Sketches
Experimenting with opacity and layering as a means to give depth and interactivity to the printed publication
Interest in the idea that some information remains hidden while some can be seen
Opacity Through Female Faces
Does the image become clearer when more information is layered on top of it?
An interesting representation of the way we perceive information - the more we know, the better we understand. Makes me wonder about the way opinions are formed through this type of "layering information" in our heads.
What is the easiest and most effective way to deliver information?
Inspired by the notion that with so much information online our attention span is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, in order to communicate effectively, information must be delivered in a clear, succinct, ad rather visual manner.
Clean B&W Visuals
Interconnecting Text and Image
Implementing Type as a Visual Element Where Type Becomes a Part of the Whole Image Rather Than a Stand Alone Element
Designs I Found Online
Final Idea: Create a box that would hold the vusual calendar alongside a manual that explains how to use it and put it together
Representing each month per sheet the calendar is meant to be put together throughout the year and build a finalised image on the way.

Each month in the printed publication will correspond to a topic of that month in the digital publication.

The printed publication will therefore be the visual representation and summary of my findings while the digital publication will carry the information to be delivered.

The visuals will be based upon natural elements - biomimicry contrasting the robotic/digital nature of the topic to highlight the importance of staying inspired and curious

The calendar will be designed predominantly with white space so that the reader can add their own thought and experiences throughout the process - creating a journaling experiences throughout the year.

As a result the reader becomes an investigator of their own reality though the digital publication followed by their role as an observer through the physical interaction with the calendar and the consistent act of building it throughout the year to reveal the entire image.

A4 x 12
Position and Narrative
Based on the design question develop an editorial approach and present it with visual sketches claryfying: which visual language, which medium, typografie etc. How is your concept translated to your design decisions and how does it express this concept?
Using a monospace type to allude to the absence of the human, the creative, and the free of all boundaries experience within modern media platforms.

Tying in this concept with a very clean black and white design that will highlight the information presented.

Keeping a tighter focus towards the delivered visuals rather than aiming to establish associations for the reader.

Because the reader is the one who will later on add their personal touch and their colors through the calendar based on their experience with the narrative.
Illustrative Type
Treating type as an image inspired by the way information online overlaps within our consciousness to create the image of our understanding and worldviews
Design Changes
Changes In Scale, Layout, and Purpose
How to make the calendar useful after the year has passed?
A series of 12 posters inviting you to interact with them daily: cross out the current day, fill in a thought, add the three most interesting things you found out for the course of the month.
Introducing a Reflective Question Per Month
Option Of Designing The Calendar Like A Flip Book
Focusing On The Journaling Aspect & Thinking About Possibilities To Make The Calendar Easy To Interact
Cover Options
How to make the calendar inviting?
Did you feel in control of your news feed today?
“I feel used by social media platforms.”

Did you worry about your privacy online today?
“I don’t care if online platforms record my data.”

Did you notice any new ads today?
“I am influenced by the ads I see online.”

Did you click on a lot of recommendations today?
“I feel stuck in my own information bubble.”

Did you keep scrolling out of boredom today?
“I feel in control of the interaction with my phone.”

Did you pick up your phone to feel better today?
“I am addicted to social media.”

Did you feel happy today?
“I don’t compare myself to others on social media.”

Were you tempted by clickbait today?
“I don’t interact with clickbait sources.”

Did you notice any previous searches popping up in your results today?
“I don’t care if my location affects my search results.”

Did you come across potentially unreliable sources today?
“I don’t necessarily feel disinformed.”

Did you change your actions or opinions based on something you saw online today?
“I don’t think social media is creating a gap between our society.”

Did you take action to break your social bubble today?
“I feel like I’m becoming a part of the social change.”
Questions & Statements
The Final Pages