The Effect of Social Media on Identity Construction
Identity in the Age of Social Media
How Social Media Shapes Our Identity
Social Networks, Interactivity and Satisfaction: Assessing Socio-Technical Behavioral Factors as an Extension to Technology Acceptance
Technology Acceptance Model
The hidden costs of social media use in elections: A Ghana case study
The changing position of social media in 2020: What does it mean for marketers?
Why the novel coronavirus became a social media nightmare?
Debunking Fake Videos & WHO'S behind 5-min crafts? | How To Cook That
Social Media and Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Mental Health
Conceptualizing Interactivity on Social Media and Exploring the Effects of Interactivity on Consumers’ Engagement with Online Social-Interactions
Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective
Information, Interactivity, and Social Media
75+ Social Media Sites You Need to Know in 2020
Instagram Influencers Are All Starting To Look The Same. Here's Why.
Spread of Coronavirus Fake News Causes Hundreds of Deaths
The Anatomy of Clickbait
The Interaction of Consumers Fashion via Social Platform
What is clickbait?
This is Your Brain on Instagram: Effects of Social Media on the Brain
Can we let algorithm take decisions we cannot explain?
Coronavirus misinformation, and how scientists can help to fight it
Beware of the Social Media Rabbit Hole
Search Location Drastically Affects Local Rankings
What Does It Mean For Social Media Platforms To "Sell" Our Data?
What Does Advertising Do?
How advertising affects society and our life
Main Source
The Social Dilemma - Netflix Documentary
Mental Health
Fake News
Advertising & Data
Rabbit Holes
'Snapchat Dysmorphia' Points To A Troubling New Trend In Plastic Surgery